Andrew Petrie during his 1842 exploration of the coast gave the name Maroochydore to the area. It was derived from the word ” murukutchidha” in the language of the Brisbane River Aboriginal people who accompanied Petrie on his exploration. It literally means “the place of the red bills” that is the black swans. So it is natural to find the Red Swan of Maroochydore so proudly displayed upon its Lodge Banner.

Freemasons MaroochydoreHistory:

Maroochydore Lodge was first consecrated in 1947 and since then has had a rich history entwined with the local community.

In fact it was on Friday 18th July 1947, that 257 Members and visiting Brethren gathered in the Star Theatre as the Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Eustace Jones, attended by his Grand Lodge Officers, carried out the timeless ceremony of the Consecration of Maroochydore Lodge. Read More

In the Community:

As with all Masonic Lodges Maroochydore Brethren are very active in fundraising with each year charity going to a local organisation selected by that year’s Master of the Lodge.

Lodge Meetings:

General meetings held: Third Tuesday of each Month.
Management & Practice Meeting held: Second Tuesday of each Month.
Lodge Tyles at 6.30pm.

Our Installation is on the third Saturday in September, tyling at 3 PM.

Maroochydore Lodge Secretary – Wor.Bro Doug McGill SGD Phn. 0407868833 e-mail.




211 Main Rd, Maroochydore 4558
