Lodge Rosslyn was founded on 25th May 1896. The Lodge received its Charter No.836 Scottish Constitution from Charles Dalrymple of Newailes, Baronet M.P., Most Worshipful Grand Master of Scotland on 6th august 1896.

It was the first Lodge to be formed on the Sunshine Coast and the first worshipful master of Lodge Rosslyn was Thomas L Fryar.

Until Lodge Rosslyn built their temple, initial meetings were conducted in the Old Shire Hall. The land on which the first temple was built, was kindly donated by Bro.J.T. Lowe, the site being where the old Vacuum Mobil Depot was situated on the corner of Coronation Avenue and Rigby Street.

In July 1918, the night before Installation, Rosslyn Temple was totally destroyed by fire, resulting in its Charter, and all records with the exception of the Lodge Roll Book being lost as at that day. As a result of this disaster, and by the courtesy of Nambour Lodge, which in the interim period had been formed, Lodge Rosslyn being without a home was invited to make use of the Nambour Temple which was located at the southern end of Blackall Terrace, adjacent to the overhead railway bridge. From this fine fraternal gesture, a close relationship and association developed, and later Lodge Rosslyn was invited to become a co-owner of the Nambour temple. This harmonious relationship still exists.

April 1921 saw the formation of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland and Lodge Rosslyn exercised the given option to retain the Scottish Craft Working along with other Scottish Lodges in the state and was duly issued with a warrant and became Lodge Rosslyn No. 102 U.G.L.Q.Temple

In June 1957 a decision was made by both Lodges to purchase land on which to build a new Temple. Purchase price of 200 Pounds ($400) was paid by each Lodge to purchase the current site. The Foundation stone for the new Temple was laid in 1961 and the building was dedicated on 13th April 1962 with a ceremony conducted by M.W. Bro. John Paterson, Grand Master and his team of Grand Officers. This was a glittering masonic event, with Wor. Bros. Ron Garland and Tom Carter, respective Masters of Lodge Rosslyn and Nambour Lodge sharing the honours of inviting members into their new surrounding.

In 1989 Lodge Rosslyn conducted it’s first Robbie Burns night which was well attended by ladies and friends. Prior to the Social evening in the South, Sir Walter Burnett, PGM delivered an address on the subject of Freemasonry to all assembled. The evening concluded with the usual “Haggis” and festivities in the South. This event is still celebrated on an annual basis.

Rosslyn Lodge – Bro. Samyo Dalgarno Phn: 0403 750 063 or click here to e-mail




39 Farrell Street, Yandina QLD 4561
(Cnr of Farrell & North St)
