Kenilworth township is nestled in the headwaters of the beautiful Mary River. With a population of 300 hundred people, it is a peaceful quiet backwater of the Sunshine Coast where you will find a cheery group of Freemasons.
Queensland Freemasonry has always had a presence and a hand in the history of so many country towns. Kenilworth is no different. In the days before television and bitumen roads, a trip to the Lodge was always on the Freemason’s monthly calendar.
On the 16th day of May 1932, fifteen local Freemasons from the Kenilworth area and members of the Telford Lodge met in Imbil with plans to form a Lodge at Kenilworth. With major donations including an allotment of land in Kenilworth from Brother A.E.Tanner, 8000 super feet of log timber and stumps by Brother Dave Pickering, 8000 super feet of log timber by Brother J. Mc Ginn, sawn timber by Brother S.T.Adams, together with furnishings and regalia from its 68 members, the initial stages of constructing the Kenilworth Lodge commenced.
With their assistance and donations, they successfully built and furnished the Kenilworth Lodge which was consecrated on
Following the consecration and dedication, Worshipful Loweke was installed as Worshipful Master and his Officers invested for the ensuing year. Freemasonry has maintained its presence in Kenilworth ever since.
In the Community:
General meetings held: 3rd Thursday of each month.