First a short explanation of the history of Freemasonry in Queensland.
In 1864 Queensland’s first Lodge, North Australian Lodge No. 796 was formed under a Charter from the United Grand Lodge of England. Subsequently, other Lodges were formed under the Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland as well as England.
In 1904 the Grand Lodge of Queensland was formed by 25 Irish Lodges and 14 Scottish Lodges. No English Lodges joined and quite a few Scottish Lodges also did not join this Grand Lodge. As a
On the 30th April
On the 21st April 1921 the two Grand Lodges, GLQ and QGL, combined to form the United Grand Lodge of Queensland. Up to that
The two English Lodges that did not join the UGLQ are still in existence and still come under the United Grand Lodge of England. They are Port Curtis Lodge No. 2235 at Gladstone and the Geraldton Lodge No. 3544 at Tully.
Cooroy: On the 28th June 1911 a preliminary meeting of 13 Worshipful Brethren and Brethren was held in Cooroy and it was resolved that a petition should be sent to the GLQ requesting that a warrant
On the 4th October 1911 the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, Most Wor. Bro. Adolf M. Hertzberg, accompanied by his Grand team including Most Wor. Bro. William Jones, Deputy Grand Master, attended the consecration of Cooroy Lodge No. 58 and the Installation of its first Worshipful Master.
Most Wor. Bro. Hertzberg conducted the consecration ceremony and Most Wor. Bro. Jones conducted the ceremony of Installation and the Investiture of the Officers.
The foundation officers of the Lodge were:
Wor. MasterWor. Bro. J.L. Boden
I.P.M.Wor. Bro. J.T. LowePM of Nambour Lodge
S.W.Bro. J. Fisher
J.W.Bro. H.L. Cooper
Chap.Bro. A. Martin
Treas.Bro. E.H. Edwards
Sec.Bro. C.B. Mills
S.D.Bro. R. Lack
J.D. Bro. E.J. Sneesby
D.C. Wor. Bro. W. Cronk
I.G.Bro. T. McC. Kenyon
The interesting point is that Cooroy Lodge No. 58 was not formed under the Grand Lodge of England, Ireland or Scotland but under the Grand Lodge of Queensland. It was sponsored by two originally Irish Lodges.
The meeting time for Cooroy Lodge No. 58 was set down as the Thursday on or before the full moon.
Queen Alexandra: On the 20th September 1913 a warrant of
It is interesting that there was already a Lodge under the UGLE by the name of Queen Alexandra. This is No. 2932, constituted on 21st
No. 2932 originally met in the Alexandra Palace, Muswell Hill, London. It now meets in the Freemason’s Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London.
Cooroy Building: In 1913 Cooroy Lodge was having some financial problems but by 1914 things had improved and
Lodge Loyalty: At 3.30 pm on Saturday 23rd November 1918, in the Coronation Hall, Cooroy, District Grand Lodge of Queensland, Scottish Constitution, was opened in the first, second and third degrees in full form.
Presiding was Rt Wor. Bro. Thomas S. Burstow, Esq, Grand Master of Scottish Freemasonry in Queensland. Among those accompanying him
The Rt Wor. Grand Master intimated to the Brethren present (96 in number) that the meeting had been called for the purpose of inaugurating a Masonic Lodge in the rising town of Cooroy, to be named the Lodge “Loyalty”, to meet at the Coronation Hall, Cooroy.
District Grand Secretary read the dispensation for charter granted by the Rt Wor. Grand Master in favour of the Lodge, and the Lodge “Loyalty” was duly constituted, dedicated and proclaimed, and the Lodge room consecrated.
District Grand Lodge was closed in the third, second and first degrees at 5.20 o’clock p.m..
After an adjournment of 30 minutes, in the presence of an increased number of visiting Brethren, Lodge “Loyalty” was opened by Wor. Bro. E. P. Saunders, P.M. of Lodge “Cooroora” No. 1128, after which the Rt Wor. Master, Bro. H.
At that
The above information is from the minutes of the District Grand Lodge dated 11th November 1918. Note the date:- 11th November 1918! Part of the minutes read:
“District Grand Lodge was resumed and opened at 7.55 o’clock in the evening in full form and with solemn prayer.
In consequence of the feeling of anxious anticipation in connection with the termination of the war a special messenger was despatched to ascertain the latest news, and on his return, the R.W. Grand Master announced that Germany had signed the armistice. The Doxology and National Anthem were fervently sung by the Brethren, after which the business of the evening was proceeded with.”
Queensland Grand Lodge: In 1920 Lodge Loyalty No. 1181 G.L.S. joined the Queensland Grand Lodge but as there was already a more senior Lodge called “Loyalty” the name was changed to Lodge Sunrise and its new number was 198.
Queen Alexandra Lodge would also have joined the Queensland Grand Lodge in 1920 but I have not been able to find its No. under that Grand Lodge.
Formation of UGLQ: In 1921, when the United Grand Lodge of Queensland was formed Queen Alexandra Lodge became 231 U.G.L.Q. At the same
Now we come to what appears to be an error in the records. The Cooroy installation cards and Past Master’s Board showed Cooroy No. 58 existing up to 1925. This is not possible. UGLQ was formed in April 1921 and GLQ and QGL ceased to exist. Therefore the installation cards and the Past Master’s Board should have shown Cooroy Lodge becoming Cooroy Lodge No. 212 in 1921. Cooroy United’s warrant in 1925 shows Cooroy Lodge No. 212 UGLQ amalgamating with Sunrise Lodge No. 270 UGLQ.
Amalgamation Cooroy and Sunrise: In 1924 discussions began between Cooroy Lodge and Sunrise Lodge with the aim of amalgamation.
On the 14th March
Most Wor. Bro. Quinn had been the District Grand Master Depute, Grand Lodge of Scotland under Rt Wor. Bro. Burstow at the time when Lodge Loyalty was consecrated.
As in most
“Lodge Installation:- The installation of Bro. L.F. Baldry as W.M. of Lodge Queen Alexandra No. 231 of the U.G.L.Q. for the ensuing
Another newspaper article on 13th August 1929 reported on the “Second Masonic Ball” held by Cooroy United Lodge on 10th August.
“The second Masonic Ball under the auspices of Lodge Cooroy United No. 212 U.G.L.Q. took place in the Cooroy Masonic Hall last night. The interior of the hall was most artistically decorated in shades of blue and gold and Masonic emblems, being the work of
It goes on to describe the dress of nearly every woman who attended. Guests came from as far away as Tamworth, NSW, Beaudesert and Kingaroy.
Music was by the Cooroy Oddfellow’s Orchestra.
New Cooroy Building: In the early
When Helidon Lodge handed in its charter Grand Lodge gave permission for the Helidon Temple to be transferred to Cooroy. In April 1996 the building was shifted to Cooroy. A builder was employed to add an extension
As soon as the builder had completed his part, working bees commenced on the painting, inside and out, fitting furniture, seating, and tree planting. The Noosa Council insisted that at least 100 trees be planted.
By August 1996 the new Temple had been dedicated by the Grand Master, Most Wor. Bro. I.K. Smith, a member of Cooroy United Lodge, and the first meeting was held.
Cooroy Queen Alexandra Lodge: In the early 2000’s Queen Alexandra Lodge sold its building in Eumundi and held its meetings in the Cooroy Temple.
On the 24th
Bro. Robert Carmichael
Director of Ceremonies,
Cooroy Queen Alexandra Lodge No. 212.
3rd July 2014
Bibliography: Minutes of Grand Lodge of Queensland 11th December 1911
Minutes of District Grand Lodge of Queensland G.L.S. 11th November 1918
Cooroy United Lodge No. 212 History 1996
Lane’s Masonic Records 1717-1894.
The Masonic Grand Masters of Australia by Kent Henderson